Grape farming

This crop can be grown practically every where in Meru County, temperature notwithstanding. It is a woody perennial vine having the ability to live beyond 500 years. There are two distinct groups according to their use, namely: table grapes used as sweeteners and wine grapes for wine production. The crop prefers warm to hot temperatures during fruiting. The weather must be sunny and dry. Warm environmental temperature during fruit ripening is important in increasing the sugar content of berries while reducing their acidity.

For investment options, visit; or pay a visit to Liliamba experimental farm in Igembe constituency or visit a grape farmer in Buuri Sub County in Meru County.

There is a manual wine factory in Mukululu village which makes sauvignon [white table wine], red wine, sherry and wine used during mass /church occasions. Product labels from this winery are as follows: barbera meru [red wine], white table wine [sauvignon], mass wine and Mukululu sherry.